Before Listing

Go into your User Profile and open the form Company Registration. Submit your company details including a Companies House registration number. Our team will quickly approve new Deal Provider applications. If we have any further questions we will get in touch.

Things we ask for:

<aside> 💡 At present we only accept Deal Providers with a registered UK company. This is to protect the integrity of our network and ensure Deals listed come from a reputable source.


Listing Deals

The idea was born out of us working in P.E. and striving to provide Investors deal info in a clear, concise and consistent format. Furthermore, it allows Investors dip in and out of the market, so by listing deals they can reach out to the Deal Provider if they’re interested/have funds to deploy. This saves a great deal of time all round, whilst providing Investors with the best opportunities - even if they have been out of the market for a while. (But its also a warmer intro into an investment opportunity rather than a cold call).

By using Deallocker to secure capital, you no longer need to chase perspective funders, as Investors and Lenders now come to you

When you list a Deal, you are considered a Deal Provider. Deal Providers can be brokers (intermediaries representing the actual underlying borrower / developer), or can be a developer directly.